Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas songs - White Christmas Lyrics

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Heart Talk: What Do I want this Christmas?

Heart Talk: What Do I want this Christmas?: "Many Christmas had passed and many new year. Every year is different for me. Sometimes I'm with my family, sometimes not. Sometimes I..."

What Do I want this Christmas?

Many Christmas had passed and many new year.  Every year is different for me.  Sometimes I'm with my family, sometimes not.  Sometimes I'm alone and sometimes with friends.  Sometimes here and sometimes there.  Sometimes happy and sometimes sad.  But on those years of Christmas, I have always wanted to have something that would really make my Christmas meaningful.  It's not a material thing but its more of emotional fulfillment that I have never felt before.  A Christmas that I would say that "This is the best Christmas I have ever had".  I feel like something is still missing in my life that I want to fill.  I am a half glass full person and I guess I need to fill the glass full for me to be fulfilled. 

Even though, I thank God that for all these years, he's guiding me through whatever good and bad I have experienced.  It's like when something bad happens, a good thing will come along after.  It's like a never ending circle that you go through everyday.  Well I have to admit, life is like get to learn everyday and experience different things everyday. 

I wish this Christmas 2010 will be great for me and my family and all my love ones.  To the person that is very close to my heart.

Merry Christmas!