Monday, December 3, 2012


I really wonder why I always get myself involve in LDR.  It puzzles me but I just couldn't get the answer right. Am I looking for it, do I enjoy having it, or is it just my destiny to have it.  I don't know.  I can't answer but that's whats happening to my lovelife now. 

I know it's hard and challenging having this kind of relationship, but I'm still hoping and praying that even though this is an LDR, it can work out.  I had LDR's before that didn't last because both parties are having a hard time, finding time to communicate, be loyal and faithful and trusting each other fully. 

But in-spite of it, I still believe that whatever relationship I am having right now, will work out.  Like what they say, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.  Just go with the flow, don't rush things, take your time, know the person well and see if the person you like will exert an effort to see you and be with you.

Before I met this guy, my lovelife was a little quiet.  No hassle, just chilling out until I met this Filipino American.  I found him very good looking, nice, sweet and he started communicating with me for quite some time now.  He frequently sends me messages which I liked.  It's like I always look forward on another day that he's going to send me another message again and I feel special and wanted.  I said to myself before that I would not get myself involve with a Filipino because I had a bad experience with them.  but when I met this guy who turned my world around, everything just changed so fast.  I don't know what's into this guy but I was feeling good about him, I got excited each time we talk or chat.  It feels good and I'm happy having him into my life right now.  Even though he's very far, but I'm hoping that one day and when the right time comes, he will come back here and see me.

We're still getting to know each other but whatever theis person is, his past, his flaws, his imperfections, I can say that I will still like him and accept him for what he is. 

So I'm hoping and praying for the best co'z who knows, this might be the one that I'm waiting for.....