Sunday, August 1, 2010


Its very hard to find a good location and area for my business, foodcart. It gives me headache. Most of the locations I know and have seen have been taken by other carts already especially those locations with high traffic. I've been posting in Ads about me searching for location, but only few replied.

I still have my cart on my current location but nowadays it has not given me good sales. I am frustrated about it co'z my expenses are more than what I have earned.

Sometimes I asked myself, did I make the right decision before of having a franchise or it was a wrong move or maybe its just not the right time for me yet....anyways, business is a risk and you can't have the profit and sales in a short time, it takes time....

Oh well...I don't want to give up on this now. At least for now. I will keep on searching for the right location and maybe one of these days I will find it.

Good luck to me!

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