Friday, July 30, 2010


I received a link from one of my friends online about the gruesome incident in Abu Dhab, U.A.E. This Filipina was raped by a taxi driver. Maybe she was alone in the taxi and its late at night already when this happened. This news was not featured in the newspaper because in U.A.E, they don't publish news like this. They don't put in their newspaper bad reports. They only post good reports and as per my knowledge, media there has no freedom of speech or whatsoever that is why whatever bad happened like rape, murder, salvage, etc...u don't see it in the newspaper. You will just hear it from other people's mouth and friends.

I was in Middle East for many years so I know how it works there. When I was there, there were times that a man followed me from the pedestrian lane until I reached my building. He saw me crossing the pedestrian so he made the U turn and stopped his car infront of me and asked me if I was Filipina. I didn't entertain him but what he did was, he knew where I was going so he followed me and was asking for my number and all and was introducing himself. I was scared at that time and kept myself away from him and walked very fast and run to the elevator.

I was relieved when I reached my flat. That was not the first time it happened to me. there was a time also when I was new in Dubai, somebody followed me and asked my number and all.

These men are also expats and I don't know why everytime they see woman walking or passing by, and they liked you, what they intend to do sometimes is follow you around adn ask you some questions like where you're from, what's your name, what's your number, etc...

I have had many experiences like this not just on the streets but also in bars and other places.

I advised to all Filipinos and Filipinas who are working abroad, not just in Dubai but around the world to please be careful wherever you go. If you're taking cabs, avoid going home late at night and alone co'z there are a lot of crazy and maniacs men around.

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