Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bad online service for Asiarooms.com and Villa Kresna Boutique Suite and Villa, Bali Indonesia

I was browsing the internet in www.asiarooms.com going to Bali, INdonesia when I saw this room in Villa Kresna Boutique Suite and Villa for only Php3.88/4 nights stay.  So what I did, of course is booked it.  Who wouldn't grab that chance right? 

So after few minutes, I received a booking confirmation from them with the total of Php3.88/4nights only.  I was happy because I haven't been to Bali, Indonesia yet and I thought that that was my chance to have a trip there and enjoy the luxurious hotel.

I wanted to make sure about the price of the room so what I did, I contacted my friend in Singapore and asked her to call their Singapore number to make sure of the price of the room.  And my friend informed me that it is correct and that they will send another email confirmation of my booking. 

After few minutes, I got an email from Desy Natalia, Reservation officer of Villa Kresna Boutique Suite and Villa, apologizing and telling me that they have booking system error and she was offering me the room for $92/night.  So I thought, what the hell is this???  This is not my problem, it's their problem right?  I was pissed and thought that they will deduct the actual price of the room to my debit card because I already gave them my bank information.  So next thing I did since I got scared, I cancelled the booking already.  and then after few minutes I received a cancellation confirmation from them.

Since I'm already disappointed, I talked to my friend in Singapore and asked her to call them again and confirm whats happening to my booking and all.  The agent which my friend was talking to got angry at her already and said to her what does she want.  My friend got angry too because the agent couldn't explain the meaning of system error.  My friend put down the phone and called me back to inform me what happened to their conversation.

So what the hell is system error?  And how come it took them a long time to update their system if they knew that they already have a system error. They waited for a customer to book that room before they knew that they had a system error?  this is crap!!!  It wasn't my fault that their system has an error.  They should have been more careful on their postings by double checking their prices on their website.  Of course when a person sees that very very cheap amount, automatically she/he will book it.  And the thing is, they sent me a booking confirmation so I assumed that it was legitimate but I was wrong.  The inconvenience that this Villa Kresna Boutique Suite and Villa, Bali Indonesia has caused me cannot cover the amount that they are giving me!  I have given them my bank information and my other personal details and then this happens.  what kind of online service is this???

After 2 days I received an email from Putri, Reservation officer and again apologizing to me and giving me the room for $84/night and upgrading me from superior room to a garden suite.  So how can I accept this offer then?  This wasn't the booking I made and that wasn't the price I booked.  I replied back and told them that I cannot accept their offer and asking them if they could give me the same amount of what I have booked it the first time or $10-20/night, and then I will accept it.  But until now there is no reply on their side that is why I am writing this story because of their crap online service and whatever their reason is, is very unacceptable.

So for those who are going to Bali, Indonesia please take note of this story and take note of Villa Kresna Boutique Suite and Villa.  I am sharing this information to you so you will not experience what I experienced. 

Their hotel is very nice, no doubt about it, but what's more important is their service right?  What's the use of having a luxurious hotel if the service and online service is CRAP!!!

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