Monday, July 26, 2010

How to handle your teenager.

Do you have a teenage daughter or son? I do. Having a teenage child is very difficult. They have their own mind set and you can't control them anymore. Like if they want to go out and be with their friends, sometimes its hard not to tell them to stay home instead. They will not ask your permission but instead, they will just let you know that they will go out and that's it. They have decided on their own already without asking your permission first and most of the parents, this is the dilemma. When they are outside the home you can't reach them thru their mobile phones and they would make an excuse that they run out of battery, etc. but the thing is, they don't want us parents to know where they are and who they are with especially maybe if they already have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sometimes our children are afraid to tell us the truth. So I asked myself sometimes, did I make my daughter like this or this is the new century for God's sake, teenagers are different now than before so we should accept that. As time passes by, every child becomes different even if their parents brought them in a good way. So what should the parents do? Well, for me as a single mom, I treat my daughter as my friend because I want her to open up to me whatever she does. I go with the flow though there are limitations of course. Even if they are on the right age, we should also guide them and always remind them of the good and bad things outside the home so they will be aware.

What about you? Do you have problems with your teenager?

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