Monday, July 26, 2010

President Noynoy Aquino 1st SONA, July 26,2010

What can you say about our President NoyNoy Aquino 1st SONA?

I watched his SONA on internet and I can say that his speech is inspiring. He's not reading anything unlike other former Presidents that had copies of speech on their hands and glancing on the next thing they would say. I think that he has the conviction and confident to make our country prosperous. If his father, Ninoy Aquino didn't have the chance to change our country, then this is Noynoy's chance to fulfill his father and mother's dream to uplift the way of living of every Filipino people.

I just hope that he will not be influenced by his subordinates and members and other influential people who can manipulate the President.

Let's hope for the best for him and give him our trust and confidence that he can change Philippines for better.

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