Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas songs - White Christmas Lyrics

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Heart Talk: What Do I want this Christmas?

Heart Talk: What Do I want this Christmas?: "Many Christmas had passed and many new year. Every year is different for me. Sometimes I'm with my family, sometimes not. Sometimes I..."

What Do I want this Christmas?

Many Christmas had passed and many new year.  Every year is different for me.  Sometimes I'm with my family, sometimes not.  Sometimes I'm alone and sometimes with friends.  Sometimes here and sometimes there.  Sometimes happy and sometimes sad.  But on those years of Christmas, I have always wanted to have something that would really make my Christmas meaningful.  It's not a material thing but its more of emotional fulfillment that I have never felt before.  A Christmas that I would say that "This is the best Christmas I have ever had".  I feel like something is still missing in my life that I want to fill.  I am a half glass full person and I guess I need to fill the glass full for me to be fulfilled. 

Even though, I thank God that for all these years, he's guiding me through whatever good and bad I have experienced.  It's like when something bad happens, a good thing will come along after.  It's like a never ending circle that you go through everyday.  Well I have to admit, life is like get to learn everyday and experience different things everyday. 

I wish this Christmas 2010 will be great for me and my family and all my love ones.  To the person that is very close to my heart.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Heart Talk: - the new social network

Heart Talk: - the new social network: "our kitiwit! A great way to find friends, make friends, interact, share, connect and have fun with. Another Social Networking site that ..." - the new social network

kitiwit! A great way to find friends, make friends, interact, share, connect and have fun with. Another Social Networking site that can help you organize your stuff 24/7 worldwide.

You can set up your account for FREE! As kitiwit member you can enjoy sharing your posts, messages, pictures, stories, videos, links and even advertise your products, services and a lot more.

kitiwit has easy functions in the Library where you can organize the things you love to do and you posts and even store your favorite files. If you don't have enough space in your USB or enough memory in your laptop or computer, then you can keep and store your important files in It has all the tools that you can find in a social network site to keep track of your activities online.

So what are you waiting for? Come and visit the site and discover

Friday, November 5, 2010

Upright Display Showcase Chiller.

I am selling my Upright Display Showcase Chiller. Almost Brand New. Used only couple of times in less than 6 months. No damage, scratches and in perfect condition.


4 Sided Glass - Display Chiller
Temperature Range : +2C to +8C
Compressor : 390watts, R-22
Power : 220V, 60hz, 1phase
Capacity : 8cu. ft. 226liters
Power Consumption : 3kwh/24h
Dimension, (LWH)mm : 544 x 544 x 1690 with 4 shelvings and AVR

Original Price: P62,000
Sale Price: P42,000 (Negotiable) with free AVR worth P5,000

Contact: 09196170627

Note: Serious Buyers only. No Bogus Buyer or Scammer please!

Kindly contact me thru my number above if you are interested to buy it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Its very hard to find a good location and area for my business, foodcart. It gives me headache. Most of the locations I know and have seen have been taken by other carts already especially those locations with high traffic. I've been posting in Ads about me searching for location, but only few replied.

I still have my cart on my current location but nowadays it has not given me good sales. I am frustrated about it co'z my expenses are more than what I have earned.

Sometimes I asked myself, did I make the right decision before of having a franchise or it was a wrong move or maybe its just not the right time for me yet....anyways, business is a risk and you can't have the profit and sales in a short time, it takes time....

Oh well...I don't want to give up on this now. At least for now. I will keep on searching for the right location and maybe one of these days I will find it.

Good luck to me!

Friday, July 30, 2010


I received a link from one of my friends online about the gruesome incident in Abu Dhab, U.A.E. This Filipina was raped by a taxi driver. Maybe she was alone in the taxi and its late at night already when this happened. This news was not featured in the newspaper because in U.A.E, they don't publish news like this. They don't put in their newspaper bad reports. They only post good reports and as per my knowledge, media there has no freedom of speech or whatsoever that is why whatever bad happened like rape, murder, salvage, etc...u don't see it in the newspaper. You will just hear it from other people's mouth and friends.

I was in Middle East for many years so I know how it works there. When I was there, there were times that a man followed me from the pedestrian lane until I reached my building. He saw me crossing the pedestrian so he made the U turn and stopped his car infront of me and asked me if I was Filipina. I didn't entertain him but what he did was, he knew where I was going so he followed me and was asking for my number and all and was introducing himself. I was scared at that time and kept myself away from him and walked very fast and run to the elevator.

I was relieved when I reached my flat. That was not the first time it happened to me. there was a time also when I was new in Dubai, somebody followed me and asked my number and all.

These men are also expats and I don't know why everytime they see woman walking or passing by, and they liked you, what they intend to do sometimes is follow you around adn ask you some questions like where you're from, what's your name, what's your number, etc...

I have had many experiences like this not just on the streets but also in bars and other places.

I advised to all Filipinos and Filipinas who are working abroad, not just in Dubai but around the world to please be careful wherever you go. If you're taking cabs, avoid going home late at night and alone co'z there are a lot of crazy and maniacs men around.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pakistan Passenger Jet crashed in Pakistan

I watched the news about the Pakistan Passenger Jet Liner that crashed Pakistan mountains. There were 152 passengers on that plane from Karachi to Islamabad. It was reported that all passengers died including the crews of the plane. It was due to bad weather.

I suddenly remembered my experience in Cebu Pacific this month from Hongkong to Manila. I had a terrible and bad experience due to bad weather and typhoon as well and I am really lucky that I am still here and that the Pilot of the Cebu Pacific took control of the situation.

I want to thank that Pilot and God Bless him.

Monday, July 26, 2010

President Noynoy Aquino 1st SONA, July 26,2010

What can you say about our President NoyNoy Aquino 1st SONA?

I watched his SONA on internet and I can say that his speech is inspiring. He's not reading anything unlike other former Presidents that had copies of speech on their hands and glancing on the next thing they would say. I think that he has the conviction and confident to make our country prosperous. If his father, Ninoy Aquino didn't have the chance to change our country, then this is Noynoy's chance to fulfill his father and mother's dream to uplift the way of living of every Filipino people.

I just hope that he will not be influenced by his subordinates and members and other influential people who can manipulate the President.

Let's hope for the best for him and give him our trust and confidence that he can change Philippines for better.

How to handle your teenager.

Do you have a teenage daughter or son? I do. Having a teenage child is very difficult. They have their own mind set and you can't control them anymore. Like if they want to go out and be with their friends, sometimes its hard not to tell them to stay home instead. They will not ask your permission but instead, they will just let you know that they will go out and that's it. They have decided on their own already without asking your permission first and most of the parents, this is the dilemma. When they are outside the home you can't reach them thru their mobile phones and they would make an excuse that they run out of battery, etc. but the thing is, they don't want us parents to know where they are and who they are with especially maybe if they already have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sometimes our children are afraid to tell us the truth. So I asked myself sometimes, did I make my daughter like this or this is the new century for God's sake, teenagers are different now than before so we should accept that. As time passes by, every child becomes different even if their parents brought them in a good way. So what should the parents do? Well, for me as a single mom, I treat my daughter as my friend because I want her to open up to me whatever she does. I go with the flow though there are limitations of course. Even if they are on the right age, we should also guide them and always remind them of the good and bad things outside the home so they will be aware.

What about you? Do you have problems with your teenager?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

If I'm the President of the Philippines, I will....

If you're the new President of the Philippines, what are the changes you will do to improve our country?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Cebu Pacific Experience

I had a trip in Hongkong dated July 10-13,2010. I was with my daughter and my boyfriend. We had fun in Hongkong but 3 days was not enough to travel all over the city and see other cities there but we were able to visit Disneyland of course. We wouldn't want to miss Disney right?

When we checked in at the airport for our departure back to Manila, our flight was delayed for half an hour due to typhoon in Manila and we have not yet had the gate for boarding so we waited at the airport for announcement and roam a little bit and had dinner. Finally, our flight was changed to 10pm and our gate for boarding was flashed on the screen.

When we were about to land Manila Airport, a terrible thing happened. Because of the strong wind due to typhoon, our plane was shaking so much that I felt that the plane is going to crash. I started praying out loud as well as my boyfriend was also praying in his own language while my daughter was crying. All three of us held hands as me and my boyfriend prayed aloud. I called for Lord, Jesus Christ, Mama Mary and Guardian Angels to keep our plane safe and save us repeatedly.

It was the feeling of our final lives on that plane and it was like a movie where u can feel that its your end already. All the passengers I'm sure were so scared as we were though I couldn't hear them crying or praying but myself, my boyfriend and my daughter. We could hear the plane with its crashing sounds with the dark clouds outside and we couldn't see anything. I was thinking why it's taking so long to land and the shaking of the plane took about 10mins or so. Until we felt the plane flew up the clouds again to the safe level of thousand feet then the Pilot announced that we have experienced a strong wind due to typhoon and he couldn't land Manila Airport so we will be diverted to Mactan, Cebu airport instead.

After that announcement, the most disappointments I heard from the other passengers of that plane was, they want to go to Boracay instead. Why not tell the pilot to divert in Boracay and the guys infront of us started laughing and talking as if nothing happened few minutes ago. As if they pretended not afraid of what had happened and was not scared of anything. I said to myself, Am I the only one and my boyfriend who got scared? Are we the only ones who felt it or they were just numb and doesn't care if the plane is going to crash or something. I wanted to shout at them at that time to make them stop talking and laughing and tell them to just sit down and THANK GOD that we were saved and nothing happened on the plane.

After an hour, we landed on Mactan Airport and got in to the boarding gate and sat on the benches there. I think we were like 150-200 passengers on that flight. Some of the passengers with children got angry and created a scene there because nobody from Cebu Pacific staff were assisting even their supervisor. Well its middle of the night at that time but to think that airports are 24hrs open so they should have a supervisor or a Manager to assist the passengers that got stranded there since I'm pretty sure they were advised of the situation in Manila and the typhoon and all the planes that got diverted there in Mactan airport.

Many passengers, pissed me off of their noises and shouting and arguing with the staff there and one of them threw a shoe on a security guards face asking for a carton to mat on the floor for her children to sleep on. My boyfriend was silent and I knew that he was so tired already and wanted to sleep but because of the noises and all, he couldn't find a good position to sleep on the bench. He didn't eat anything except for water. The staff gave bottles of water but was not enough for allthe passengers so again, some passengers started shouting and complaining again as if they are the only ones stranded and hungry and thirsty there.

I wonder, why Filipinos are like this? Is it our nature to be impatient and create a scene just to get attention from other people? Can't we be civilized in times like this and not panic so much for we were already safe on land? Other nationalities didn't complain and created a scene there except for Pinoys and pinays. I find it really embarrassing especially they have been shouting and complaining from 2am-5am. Can you imagine that???

So we waited and waited for the announcement and the next day at 6am, they have announced that our flight back to Manila will be at 9:30am. The food from Jollibee came at 9am which of course we were about to board the plane already and the food was not enough again for all the stranded passengers.

Finally we sat in the plane and prayed until we reached Manila airport safe and the sun has started to shine again. Manila airport was blackout. We got in to our service car going to the hotel. Had shower and had out lunch at 3pm.

I hope my daughter will not be traumatized as well as my boyfriend co'z that was his 2nd time to experienced typhoon in Manila.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Where do you want to travel? Is there a specific place that you would like to go to?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Long Distance Relationship

What is Love? Well we have different meaning about Love and it depends on how you are experiencing Love. Some say love is unconditional, love is eternal, love is sacrifice, etc...but how do we really define it? There are many words to describe love and one of it is being far away from each other. Yes, having a long distance relationship with someone you love, but does it really work?

How will it work if the two people inlove are far apart and miles away?